Sunday, November 10, 2013


This table records all of the languages I have used on this challenge, along with which problems have been solved in which languages. The statement of the problems can all be found on Project Euler, and my solutions are described in this blog, as well as being linked to from the table below. This table keeps growing, and keeps getting pushed lower and lower in the blog, so I keep reprinting it. The links all lead to postings of the code on github: so if you wanted all of the code, you could clone the whole repository ( A * denotes a solution that has been replaced by a solution in another language.
BrainFuck 1*
Haskell 2*,37
J 3*,24*,35
Ruby 4*,30*,56
Whenever 2,5*
Ook! 6*
Racket 7*,26*,57
K 8*,30
Javascript 9*,31*,60
sML 10*,42
PHP 11
Go 12*,32
cLisp 13*,62
C 48*,50
Fortran95 3,15*
Python 16*,24*,39*, 65
ELM 17*,48
Scala 18*,44
Perl 19
Java 20
Squirrel 21*,52*,55
D 22
Ceylon 23
Postscript 7
Befunge 27
Boo 29
Frink 16
Forth 9
Shakespeare 12
Bash 33
Batch 34
Whitespace 36
Lua 38
Erlang 24
Rust 40
Ada 41
Clojure 14
Coffeescript 43
Prolog 18
R 45
Julia 46
x86-64 47
OCaml 49
Cobra 51
C++ 14*,53
APL 52
Chapel 54
C# 26*, 59
Kotlin 26
Pascal 61
ALGOL68 31
Smalltalk 13
Dart 63
Tcl 64
Gosu 39
Analytic 1,5,6,8
Analytic 15,25,28

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