Saturday, September 7, 2013


Again, this table was no longer on the front page, and as it allows to see everything I have done at a glance, here it is again:
Here is a table which maps out which languages I used on which problems, complete with links to my code for each problem. The statement of the Nth problem can be accessed at . A * indicates a solution that has been replaced by a solution in another language or an analytic solution.

BrainFuck 1
Haskell 2*, 37
J 3*, 24*, 35
Ruby 4*, 30
Whenever 2, 5*
Ook! 6
Racket 7*, 26
K 8*
Javascript 9*, 31
sML 10*, 42
PHP 11
Go 12*, 32
cLisp 13
C/C++ 14*
Fortran95 3, 15*
Python 16*, 24*, 39
ELM 17
Scala 18
Perl 19
Java 20
Squirrel 21
D 22
Ceylon 23
Postscript 7
Befunge 27
Boo 29
Frink 16
Forth 9
Shakespeare 12
Bash 33
Batch 34
Whitespace 36
Lua 38
Erlang 24
Rust 40
Ada 41
Clojure 14
Coffeescript 43
Analytic 5,8,15
Analytic 25, 28

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