Saturday, September 14, 2013

Problem 41 - Ada

So, after writing the post yesterday of all the languages that I have yet to use, I decided to use Ada to solve problem 41. I am pretty sure that the first time I solved this problem (way back when I allowed myself to use whatever language I felt like), I solved it the "dumb" way - that is, checking for primes, and then checking if those primes were pandigital or not (the problem asks for the greatest pandigital prime). This time, I solved it the much smarter way, which is to iterate over pandigitals in order to find primes (there are 409114 panditials < 1e10, and there are 50847534 primes). For the record, I do know that the method below is still slightly dumb - instead of iterating from the smallest pandigitals to the largest, and printing the last pandigital found, it would be faster to begin the search at the largest pandigital and stop the program as soon as I found the first pandigital...but oh well, my solution already runs in .6s, so I am not going to bother with that optimization.

One thing this problem taught me unrelated to Ada and primes and pandigitals is that the need to rewrite utilities is definitely going to continue to be a very annoying part of solving these problems in different languages. Of the four helper functions defined in my Ada solutions, 3 (all but concatDigits) had been written before in some other language for some other problem. But, just as I have had to write prime sieves in so many different languages, so will I have to repeat functions like "Nth lexicographic Permutation" as I jump from language to language.

With that said, without further ado, here is my solution in Ada to Project Euler problem 41.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure e41 is
subtype Number is Long_Long_Integer range 0 .. 1000000000;
type Digit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Number;
function isPrime (n: in Number) return Boolean is
    i : Number := 3;
    if n <= 2 then
        return n = 2;
    end if;

    while i * i <= n loop
        if n mod i = 0 then
            return false;
        end if;
        i := i + 1;
    end loop;
    return true;
end isPrime;

function fac(n: in Number) return Number is
    if n < 2 then
        return 1;
    end if;
    return n * fac(n - 1);
end fac;

function concatDigits(dig: Digit_Array) return Number is
    if dig'Length = 1 then
        return dig(1);
        return dig(dig'Last) + 10 * concatDigits(dig(dig'First .. dig'Last - 1));
    end if;
end concatDigits;

-- we iterate over n-digit pandigitals, as there are
-- 409114 n-digit pandigitals and
-- 50847534 primes that would be candidtates
-- Thus, we need the following method to find these pandigitals:
function NthLP (n: in Number; p, r: in Digit_Array) return Number is
    k : Number;
    index: Integer;
    r1: Digit_Array (1 .. r'Last - 1);
    if r'Length = 1 then
        return concatDigits(p & r);
    end if;
    k := fac(r'Length - 1);
    index := Integer((n/k) + 1);
    if index = r'First then
        r1 := r(r'First + 1 .. r'Last);
    elsif index = r'Last then
        r1 := r(r'First .. r'Last - 1);
        r1 := r(r'First .. index - 1) & r(index + 1 .. r'Last);
    end if;
    return NthLP( n mod k, p & r(index), r1);
end NthLP;

dig : Digit_Array (1 .. 9) := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
p   : Digit_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => 0);
i: Integer;
j: Number;
cap: Number;
maxPrime: Number;
num: Number;
    i := 3;
    while i <= 9 loop
        cap := fac(Number(i));
        j := 0;
        while j < cap loop
            num := NthLP(j, p, dig(1 .. i));
            if isPrime(num) then
               --as we are going in order of Lexicographic
               --permutations, this must be the largest
               maxPrime := num;
            end if;
            j := j + 1;
        end loop;
        i := i + 1;
    end loop;
end e41;

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