Friday, September 13, 2013

1000 Pageviews!

As of today, this blog has gotten 1000 page views! I am very glad to see that this has proved at least marginally popular, and though this whole being a student thing has gotten in the way of solving problems in the last few days, I hope to be able to produce more solution in more crazy languages in order to reach the next fairly major milestone - 50 problems solved, which would place my progress in the 92.5th percentile of project Euler users, despite my crazy methodologies.

I have been for a while considering that I might be forced by morals to stop posting my code because Project Euler's policy is generally against dissemination of solutions...However, in about 30 seconds of searching I found someone else who publicly posted thoughts and solutions on problems up to I will not be breaking any new ground and releasing code that should not be seen for a long, long time...and anyway, if you really want to take my Shakespeare code in order to "solve" a problem, you haven't really gained anything, have you?

For reference, the following are all languages that exist somewhere on my "to-use" list:

x86 assembly
Smalltalk (I actually used this in CS334...shows how much I liked it that I have yet to use it)
APL (I'm having difficulty finding a good compiler for some reason...)

And those are just the "real" languages. Some really awesome esolangs I hope to use:
ChucK (not an esolang, but thinking of a way of "printing an answer" from this language, if possible, might be interesting)
Fugue (I might need to compose this with ChucK...)
GLSL (also not an esolang, but again, "printing an answer" in it is pretty crazy)
Kanji Code

So, needless to say...there are a lot more languages out there, and a lot more PE problems, so will probably continue doing this for a while.

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