Sunday, August 11, 2013

Problem 4 - FALSE

I used Ruby on problem 4 before - it seemed like a good idea at the time, because I did not know any Ruby, other than the fact that I knew it had nice string functions, so testing for being a palindrome was as simple as x.to_s = x.to_s.reverse. However, Ruby is a "real" language that can actually do a lot of things, so I decided to revisit problem 4 with a ...different language.

FALSE was developed in 1993 with obfuscation and minimalism in mind - it is the language that inspired the development of brainfuck. Luckily, however, FALSE was not as bad as brainfuck, its a stack-based language, kind of like Postscript, except it takes the J-like approach to naming functions, so everything is done with crazy characters. Luckily, I didn't have to use the two characters in the language which are not on my keyboard, ß and ø . If I had needed to use those, writing the code would have been just a bit harder.

For this problem, the main difficulty came in actually running an interpreter - I could only find two interpreters on the language's homepage One was for 68000 assembly, and the other was for MS-DOS. So, I ran the dos interpreter on my computer through dosbox, which caused some complications, but worked out fine in the end. I got the answer, even if it took a while (the whole having to run the code in an emulator bit hurts), and I have used yet another esoteric language to clean up my early problems...maybe soon I will go forth and solve problems 21-25.

My Solution:

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