defmodule E55 do def lrev(lst) when length(lst) == 0 do [] end def lrev(lst) do lrev(tl(lst)) ++ [hd(lst)] end def numrev(x) do numrevHelper(x, 0) end def numrevHelper(0, r) do r end def numrevHelper(x, r) do numrevHelper(div(x,10), r*10 + rem(x,10)) end def digits(x) when x == 0 do [] end def digits(x) do digits(div(x, 10)) ++ [rem(x, 10)] end def isNumPalindrome(x) do isListPalindrome(digits(x)) end def isListPalindrome(lst) when length(lst) < 2 do true end def isListPalindrome(lst) do isListPalindromeHelper(lst, lrev(lst), div(length(lst), 2), 0) end def isListPalindromeHelper(lst, tsl, target, k) when k >= target do true end def isListPalindromeHelper(lst, tsl, target, k) do if hd(lst) == hd(tsl) do isListPalindromeHelper(tl(lst),tl(tsl),target,k+1) else false end end def isLycherel(x) do isLycherelHelper(x, 0) end def isLycherelHelper(x, i) when i >= 50 do true end def isLycherelHelper(x, i) do y = x + numrev(x) if isNumPalindrome(y) do false else isLycherelHelper(y, i+1) end end def ans() do ansHelper(0, 1) end def ansHelper(acc, i) when i >= 10000 do acc end def ansHelper(acc, i) do if isLycherel(i) do ansHelper(1+acc,1+i) else ansHelper(acc,1+i) end end end
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Problem 55 - Elixir (I should get back to finals)
So, I am in the middle of finals period and have one final exam left to take, so clearly today was the perfect day to solve another Project Euler problem in the morning. I have a solution written down in Python for problem 86 that I am ready to port to another language, but its the kind of thing that I want to have a very nice and capable language to have to port into. So, I decided to free up Squirrel (which will mean that next time I use it, I will have used Squirrel 4 times). I had used Squirrel for Problem 55, which is on finding Lycherel numbers. Elixir is a functional language (with some OO features) that runs on the Erlang VM. So, it was a very good language for solving Problem 55, as reversing lists, checking for palindromes, etc are very natural things to do in a functional programming language. Anyway, Elixir was a pretty nice language: most of my issues came from practical use issues, not from the language (I had to install a newer version of Erlang, which I had to compile from source, so I now have both Erlang 1.5 and 1.7 on my machine, then for some reason the elixir scripts didn't like being run from outside of the bin directory...little stuff like that). The language itself is a functional programming language with pretty nice syntax. Perhaps the most annoying thing was how verbose the pattern matching syntax is, but there might be a better way that I just did not bother to learn. Because I compiled the code to a .beam file then ran the ans() function from the interpreter to get the answer, I don't have very good timing information, but this definitely runs in <1s:
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