Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Progress Table

Below is the table of my progress on this Language Challenge. The numbers below link to my code for the solution, statements of the problems can be found on I changed the arrangement of the table in a way that will hopefully make it more useful: previously, the table was formed in chronological order relative to when I used the language: so the language I used most recently would always be at the end of the table. Now, it is arranged in order Project Euler problems: the languages below are listed in order of the problem they are currently being used to solve. Languages with multiple numbers listed indicate languages that were used to solve problems, and then were swapped out with another language, and then were used to solve another problem. Other changes/details: A * indicates a language that was used at some point but has yet to be reused to solve anything, and P&P denotes the problems that have been solved with pencil and paper, no coding necessary.
BrainFuck 1*
Ook! 6*
Whenever 5,2
Cat 3
ArnoldC 9
PHP 11
Shakespeare 12
Smalltalk 13
Clojure 14
F# 19
E 20
SwiftScript 22
Ceylon 23
Erlang 24
Kotlin 26
Befunge 27
Boo 29
K 8,30
ALGOL68 31
Go 12,32
Bash 33
Batch 34
ChucK 35
Whitespace 36
Haskell 2,37
Lua 38
Gosu 39
Rust 40
Ada 41
sML 10,42
Coffeescript 43
Scala 18,44
Rexx 45
Julia 46
x86-64 47
ELM 17,48
OCaml 49
Postscript 7,50
Cobra 51
APL 52
C++ 14,53
Chapel 54
Elixir 55
Ruby 4,40,56
Racket 7,26,57
C# 26,59
Javascript 9,31,60
Pascal 61
cLisp 13,62
Rebol 63
Tcl 64
Dart 63,65
Python 16,24,39,65,66
Prolog 18,67
Fantom 68
Perl 19,70
Processing 71
J 3,24,35,69,72
Groovy 73
Genie 74
Vala 75
Forth 9,76
Hack 77
R 45,78
Java 20,79
Frink 16,80
Dogescript 81
Fortran95 3,15,82
Zimbu 83
Red 84
Idris 85
Squirrel 21,52,55,86
D 22,87
C 48,50,88
P&P 1,5,6,8
P&P 15,25,28,69

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