Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Problem 54 - Chapel

Chapel is a language, currently very much in Beta (based on all the documentation...but I don't know why a beta version would take on such a high version number as 1.7), which has as its main purpose in life concurrent and parallel programming. While my solution in Chapel doesn't entirely ignore this (the forall statements below are executed in parallel, if I read the documentation correctly), it also doesn't make much use of it. So, at least ignoring those features, Chapel is a fairly nice, simple language, and I trust its concurrent features are nice too. The most frustrating thing I encountered in the language was that by default array indexing starts at 1 (though you can index arrays over any domain), and that to access a character at position i in string s, the syntax is s.substring(i)...which is not what I would guess would be what substring would do at first glance. Anyway, here is the code which looks through a file with a thousand poker hands and gives how many times player 1 won.
use Sort;

var line: string = read(string);
var ans: int = 0;
const D: domain(1) = (0..4);
var hand1: [D] string;
var hand2: [D] string;
//Chapel has no nice way to test for EOF, so I added END
//to the end of the file.
while line != "END" { 
    hand1[0] = line;
    for i in 1..4 do hand1[i] = read(string);
    for i in D    do hand2[i] = read(string);
    if handValue(hand1) > handValue(hand2) {
        ans += 1;
    } else if handValue(hand1) == handValue(hand2) {
        if higherCards(hand1, hand2) == 1 then ans += 1;
    line = read(string);
writeln(ans: string);

proc higherCards(hand1: [D] string, hand2: [D] string): int {
    var vals1: [D] int;
    var vals2: [D] int;
    forall i in D {
        vals1[i] = toNumber(hand1[i].substring(1));
        vals2[i] = toNumber(hand2[i].substring(1));
    for i in D {
        if vals1[4 - i] > vals2[4 - i] then return 1;
        if vals1[4 - i] < vals2[4 - i] then return 2;
    return 1;

proc toNumber(num: string): int {
    if num == "T" then return 8;
    if num == "J" then return 9;
    if num == "Q" then return 10;
    if num == "K" then return 11;
    if num == "A" then return 12;
    return (num: int) - 2;

proc handValue(hand: [D] string): int {
    var suits: [D] string;
    var vals: [D] int;
    var isStraight: bool = false;
    var isFlush: bool = false;
    forall i in D {
        suits[i] = hand[i].substring(2);
        vals[i] = toNumber(hand[i].substring(1));
    if vals[0] + 1 == vals[1] && vals[1] + 1 == vals[2] &&
       vals[2] + 1 == vals[3] && vals[3] + 1 == vals[4] 
                             then isStraight = true;
    if suits[0] == suits[1] && suits[1] == suits[2] && 
       suits[2] == suits[3] && suits[3] == suits[4] 
                             then isFlush = true;
    if isFlush && isStraight then return 104;

    if (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[1] == vals[2] && vals[2] == vals[3]) ||
       (vals[1] == vals[2] && vals[2] == vals[3] && vals[3] == vals[4])
                             then return 91 + vals[2];

    if (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[2] == vals[3] && vals[3] == vals[4]) ||
       (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[1] == vals[2] && vals[3] == vals[4])
                             then return 78  + vals[2];
    if isFlush               then return 65;
    if isStraight            then return 52;

    if (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[1] == vals[2]) ||
       (vals[1] == vals[2] && vals[2] == vals[3]) ||
       (vals[2] == vals[3] && vals[3] == vals[4])
                             then return 39  + vals[2];

    if (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[2] == vals[3]) ||
       (vals[0] == vals[1] && vals[3] == vals[4]) ||
       (vals[1] == vals[2] && vals[3] == vals[4])
                             then return 26  + max(vals[1], vals[2]);

    if vals[0] == vals[1] || vals[1] == vals[2]
                             then return 13 + vals[1];

    if vals[2] == vals[3] || vals[3] == vals[4]
                             then return 13 + vals[3];
    return vals[4];

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