Friday, October 11, 2013

Problem 51 - Cobra

Cobra is, surprisingly, a language based on Python, but with lots of other exciting stuff like optional static typing, generics, and more object-orientedness (all code must be wrapped in a class with a main such all functions are methods of a class, and need to be called with a preceding . as shorthand for this. - forgetting that . was the source of all my errors in this problem). Anyway, despite a few quirks that took getting used to, it was almost as nice to work with as Python, so it didn't take too hard to solve this relatively hard problem (though it took a change to a smart approach to solve: iterating over all primes is very slow, so instead I iterate over 'masks' to make primes out of [the problem is to find what prime is the smallest prime that generates 8 primes if you replace some digits of the number with the same digit for 0..9]. Now I have moved past 50, and between this problem and my memory, the problems do start to get moderately hard from here on out. I imagine I won't be writing too many new solutions in new languages for too much longer, as the supply of nice, easy-to-learn languages is constantly dwindling. I do still have Squirrel around as an option though, and I think that I will allow C++ and C# to be options in the future, instead of lumping them into the same 'language' as C. runs in .1s

class E51

    def numDigits(x as int) as int
        if x < 10 
            return 1
            return 1 + .numDigits(x // 10)
    def isPrime(p as int) as bool
        if p < 2 or p % 2 == 0
            return p == 2
        n = 3
        while n*n <= p
            if p % n == 0
                return false
            n += 2
        return true
    def numPrimesSameChange2(p as int) as int
        digs = .numDigits(p) + 2
        count as int = 0
        ans = 0
        for i in 0:digs-1
            for j in i+1:digs
                tcount as int = 0
                b = (p % (10 ** i)) + (p // (10 ** i)) * (10 ** (i+1))
                b = (b % (10 ** j)) + (b // (10 ** j)) * (10 ** (j+1))
                seenOne = false
                tempans = 0
                for k in 0:10
                    if .numDigits(b) < .numDigits(10 ** j) and k == 0
                        #cant have leading 0s
                    if .isPrime(b + k*(10 ** i + 10 ** j))
                        tcount += 1
                        if not seenOne
                            tempans = (b + k*(10 ** i + 10 ** j))
                            seenOne = true
                if tcount > count
                    count = tcount
                    ans = tempans
        if count == 8
            print ans
        return count            
    def numPrimesSameChange3(p as int) as int
        digs = .numDigits(p) + 3
        count as int = 0
        ans = 0
        for i in 0:digs-2
            for j in i+1:digs-1
                for k in j+1:digs
                    tcount as int = 0
                    b = (p % (10 ** i)) + (p // (10 ** i)) * (10 ** (i+1))
                    b = (b % (10 ** j)) + (b // (10 ** j)) * (10 ** (j+1))
                    b = (b % (10 ** k)) + (b // (10 ** k)) * (10 ** (k+1))
                    seenOne = false
                    tempans = 0
                    for l in 0:10
                        if .numDigits(b) < .numDigits(10 ** k) and l == 0
                            #cant have leading 0s
                        if .isPrime(b + l*(10 ** i + 10 ** j + 10 ** k))
                            tcount += 1
                            if not seenOne
                                tempans = (b + l*(10 ** i + 10 ** j + 10 ** k))
                                seenOne = true
                if tcount > count
                    count = tcount
                    ans = tempans
        if count == 8
            print ans
        return count            

    def main
        for p in 10:10000
            if .numPrimesSameChange3(p) >= 8 or .numPrimesSameChange2(p) >= 8

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