Answer runs in about 12s on my machine (thank god I didn't try to stick with Io.)
<?php function fac($x) { return $x < 2 ? 1 : $x * fac($x - 1); } #Nth Lexicographic permutation fcn, #taken from my solutions to many other #problems function NthLP($n, $p, $rem) { if (count($rem) == 1) { $p[] = $rem[0]; return $p; } $k = fac(count($rem) - 1); $timesDivided = (int) ($n / $k); $p[] = $rem[$timesDivided]; array_splice($rem,$timesDivided, 1); return NthLP($n % $k, $p, $rem); } function digits($num) { $ret = array(); while ($num > 0) { $ret[] = ($num % 10); $num = (int) ($num / 10); } return array_reverse($ret); } #abstraction for calling operations by number function op($x, $y, $op) { if (is_infinite($x) || is_infinite($y)) { return INF; } switch($op) { case 0: return $x * $y; case 1: return $x - $y; case 2: return $y == 0 ? INF : ($x / $y); case 3: return $x + $y; default: return 3025; } } #index encodes the permutation of digits, #parenthization, and operands, #as a sort of multi-base number function getNum($dlist, $index) { $permut = $index % 24; $index = (int) ($index / 24); $parenth= $index % 5; $index = (int) ($index / 5); $op1 = $index % 4; $index = (int) ($index / 4); $op2 = $index % 4; $index = (int) ($index / 4); $op3 = $index % 4; $d = NthLP($permut, array(), $dlist); switch($parenth) { case 0: return op( op( $d[0], $d[1], $op1), op($d[2], $d[3], $op3), $op2); case 1: return op( $d[0], op($d[1], op($d[2], $d[3], $op3), $op2), $op1); case 2: return op( $d[0], op( op($d[1], $d[2], $op2), $d[3], $op3), $op1); case 3: return op( op( $d[0], op( $d[1], $d[2], $op2), $op1), $d[3], $op3); case 4: return op( op( op( $d[0], $d[1], $op1), $d[2], $op2), $d[3], $op3); default: return 3025; } } #So apparently PHP passes arrays by value #scary function setBit($lst, $n) { #test for integer-ness if (($n - (int)$n) < 0.01) { $n = (int) $n; $lst[(int) ($n / 32)] |= 1 << ($n % 32); } return $lst; } function countConsec($lst) { $count = 0; for ($k = 1; $k < 3024; $k++) { if ((($lst[(int) ($k / 32)] >> ($k % 32)) & 1) == 1) { $count += 1; } else { return $count; } } return $count; } function numConsec($x) { $digs = digits($x); if (!((count($digs) == 4) && ($digs[0] < $digs[1]) && ($digs[1] < $digs[2]) && ($digs[2] < $digs[3]))) { return 0; } $results = array_fill(0, (int) (3024 / 32), 0); for ($i = 0; $i < (5 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 24); $i++) { $next = getNum($digs, $i); if ($next > 0 && $next < 3024) { $results = setBit($results, $next); } } return countConsec($results); } $soln = 1234; $maxConsec = 0; for($i = 1234; $i <= 6789; $i++) { $num = numConsec($i); if ($num > $maxConsec) { $maxConsec = $num; $soln = $i; } } var_dump($soln); ?>
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