Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rexx to get R (45)

I want to move on to solve problem 78, but it is another dynamic programming problem, and therefore I would really like a language in which arrays are pretty easy to use. Admittedly, I haven't actually looked much at R, but it feels like a language that should have pretty good support for arrays, seeing as people use it for processing large data sets and stuff. So, the language I used for problem 45 is a language called Rexx (note: do not make the mistake I made and append an extra x to the end of the name while searching for it!) According to, it is so popular that it just barely edges out brainfuck. Anyway, here is my wonderful solution, it is little more than a transcription of my old R code to Rexx, but it notably includes yet another implementation of the babylonian method for sqrt: maybe after the 20th time I will finally stop needing to consult wikipedia to remember how to do that.
Solution runs in 1.7s on my computer:
numeric digits 20

i = 144
do forever
h = hex(i)
if isPent(h) then
say h
i = i + 1

parse arg p
a = sqrt(24*p+1)
return (a*a = 24*p+1) & ((a+1) // 6 = 0)

parse arg n
return n*(2*n-1)

parse arg N
x1 = N % 2
x2 = N
do while (x2 - x1) > 1
x2 = x1
x1 = (x1 + (N % x1) ) % 2
return x2

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